How to Perform an Easy Oracle Reading for Yourself

You already know it. You understand the value of self care practices, but you feel overwhelmed by the thought of implementing another strategy in your already over scheduled day. Because it’s not self care if it feels like another thing you have to do.

Imagine having a simple + easy practice to integrate into your daily routine. One that provided insight + guidance into your life. Something that connected you to Creative Self while strengthening the relationship with your intuition.

Performing a daily oracle card reading for yourself can do all that in just 10 minutes a day.

This simple oracle card practice creates connection with your intuition + plants seeds of intention + mindfulness.

Furthermore, the act of selecting a daily oracle card plants seeds of intention + mindfulness. Each drawn card carries a unique message or symbol that acts as a guiding light, sparking new ideas, unlocking untapped potential + steering your creative energy in fresh directions. By consistently engaging with these cards, you establish a ritual that nurtures your creativity, boosts your confidence + fuels your connection with Creative Self.

Make it easy

As an artist, one of the best ways I know how to connect with Creative Self—besides actually making art— is my daily oracle card practice.

I am going to share exactly how I perform my daily oracle card reading so that you can see just how easy it is to do from the comfort of a cozy chair. You’ll be drinking your coffee + pulling cards tomorrow morning.


Perform your self-reading with these steps:

1. Create a Sacred Space: Find a quiet + comfortable space where you can focus without being disturbed. Consider lighting a candle, burning incense, or sitting still for several moments to clear your mind.

Or follow my lead + commit to finding a spot for yourself amid the morning hustle.

2. Clear the deck: Knock on the cards 3 times, reciting out loud or in your head, “This is for me.” If you are reading for another individual, say “This is for [insert name].

3. Cut the deck:

Cut the cards into thirds + re-stack the deck.

4. Set Your Intention:

Take a moment to center yourself + set a clear intention for the reading. What do you hope to gain insight into? What question or area of your life do you seek guidance on?

I like to ask, “What do I most need to know today?”

5. Shuffle the Cards:

Holding the cards in your right hand, begin shuffling the cards using a loose overhand shuffle, where you toss the cards into your left hand. I emphasis loose because this is where I let the card that I most need to read pop out of the deck. There is no set time of shuffling. Allow your intuition to guide you on when to stop. I’ll shuffle until a card slips out on its own or won’t go back into the deck pile. I take this as my cue to select the card.

If you have more space, try this method: Spread the cards out onto a flat surface so that they are all fanned out. Closing your eyes, hover your hand over the cards + slowly move your hand over the top of them. As you move your hand back + forth, notice if your hand feels pulled to a particular card. Do you feel a subtle warmth emanating from the cards below? Do you feel resistance in your hand’s movement? This is your cue to select the card under your hand + begin your reading. Don’t worry if you don’t feel anything. Attuning to your intuition takes practice. Just picking a card is okay.

6. Draw your Card(s):

When you feel ready, pull the number of cards that feels right to you. You might choose a single card for quick insight, or several cards for a more in-depth reading.

7. Interpret the Card(s):

Look at the card + study it, pausing to allow your eyes to take in the imagery + text presented. Consider the meaning in relation to your question or situation. Notice anything that comes up for you as you recite the message + really listen to the words you are reading. If there is a guidebook, open it to the corresponding page + read the accompanying message slowly. Trust your intuition + any immediate thoughts or feelings that arise.

8: Journal Your Insights:

It can be helpful to record your thoughts, feelings + any intuitive insights in a journal. Don’t be afraid to write whatever wants to come out, even if it doesn’t feel directly related to your intention. Your intuition will let you know what you need to know. Recording your insights allows you to revisit the reading later + track any patterns or progress.

While I’m reading the guidebook, I like to pause to write down phrases that capture my attention or additional messages that come to mind. If there is a question in the guidebook + time allows, give yourself the opportunity to journal a response.

9. Express Gratitude:

Whether the reading provided clarity or raised more questions, take a moment to express gratitude for the guidance received. This can help create a positive energy exchange + closure to the reading.

I always like, “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”


Trust your intuition

Remember, performing an oracle card reading for yourself should be an empowering + reflective process. While the cards offer insight, ultimately, trust in your own intuition + inner wisdom as you interpret the messages you receive.

The more often I give myself this time to be still with my thoughts + emotions, the more I activate my intuition. I truly notice a difference in my mood + value the insights I receive as a result of this practice.

Oracle Cards:
A Daily Practice for Insight + Reflection

Learn why a daily oracle card practice builds a connection with Creative Self, how I personally use oracle cards to connect with Creative Self + the tools you need to get started.

An imperfect practice is okay

I have made peace with the fact that my oracle card practice is not as dreamy as I would like it to be. Laying down a scarf, lighting candles + sitting in solitude is too grand of an ambition to pin my practice on, so I don’t let that vision get in my way. I make it easy.

Remember, showing up imperfectly is better than not showing up at all. 

Adjust this practice to suit your needs + situation. Let it evolve with you + discover a practice that brings you joy.


If you’re here because you’re searching for ways to cultivate your intuition + you’re looking for more guidance, allow me to introduce myself…

Hiya! I’m Lexis the Denver artist + mama + color-loving doodler of Lexisworks. And the author of this blog.

Thank you for stopping by. I’m truly glad you’re here. To learn more about me + how I can help you connect with your intuition through a deeper relationship with Creative Self so you feel more grounded, calm + present, click the button below.


Oracle Cards: A Daily Practice for Insight + Reflection


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